*********************** PLEASE NOTE **********************
Calendula Steam will become available when the gardens are in full swing and once more producing enough for harvest.
Stay tuned for updates Summer '23.
My organic herbal facial steam will bring dewiness and suppleness back to your complexion. The warm, moist heat causes vasodilation of blood vessels revitalizing circulation, brings moisture to the deeper layers of your skin, and plumps wrinkles. This 2 oz bag provides enough herbal content for 5 facial steams.
After cleansing skin, bring 4 cups distilled or purified water to a boil and add to 1/2 cup herbs in a large bowl (off heat). Cover to retain volatile oils and steep for 10 minutes. Place the bowl on a table and drape a large towel over your head and shoulders creating a tent. With your eyes closed and your face 10-12 inches from the edge of the bowl, breathe deeply and relax. When finished, splash your face with lukewarm water a few times and pat until almost dry. Follow with your favorite Wild Sage toner and moisturizer. For a full facial treatment follow the steam with your favorite Wild Sage mask, toner, and moisturizer.
Use the leftover herbal liquid to water thirsty plants or add to your compost pile.
Herbal steams can be used on a regular basis for most skin types with the exception of acneic skin (weepy active), rosacea, sensitive, sunburned, windburned, or skin with broken capillaries. Heat can further aggravate these conditions.
Ingredients: Calendula*, chamomile*, lavender*, rosemary*, sage*, marjoram*, horsetail*, St. John's wort*, thyme*. *Organic